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December 25, 2006 - 3:25 p.m.

Welcome to another Christmas here online. It's been a good one, though yet again, I forgot to go get horseradish and thus have limited options for consuming a bunch of shrimp we got the other night. Calls around to various grocery and convenience stores haven't been fruitful, though Suzanne is now out in the car checking them just in case they were too busy or understaffed to answer the phone.

Shrimp is a priority here.

I got her some nice and useful things... a very nice gray cashmere sweater, an iPod-based learn-Spanish course, a DVD, and a pair of red satin rhinestone slingback pumps to go with the red dress she found last summer. I also found her one of those things you can put your iPod in... speakers, clock-radio, CD player, remote control. Alas, it has one of the dreaded blue-on-blue displays, which I can never actually read at night but which every manufacturer seems to be in love with lately.

Suzanne gave me two "gift certificates." One was to find something she thought I might like in the way of technology or media, since she wasn't sure what I already had, and the other was her promise to take us to see a show in New York sometime soon. It'll probably be Grey Gardens, which I saw last spring and which is now on the New York Times list of the ten best shows of the year.

It was a low-key night last night and is now a low-key day. I baked some bread and made a second batch of beef jerky today... I'm considering recording a podcast later, but would have to borrow Suzanne's USB headset to do it. There's football on later, we'lll make some turkey and such, and somewhere in there I suppose I should call my parents, though I suspect they're at my brother's, and I have no idea what his number is.

Fark that. They've got my number, they can call at least as easily as I can.

Yeah, I'm like that.

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