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With the lights on

February 28, 2006 - 12:47 a.m.

Well, today was an interesting series of interactions with women.

The first was Sarah, who I'd called last night and left a voicemail. She called back this morning, and she was extremely upset about the fact that she was having to move because the house she was living in was being sold out from under her -- she lives in a downstairs apartment and the owners have said that they were, then they weren't, then they were putting it on the market.

I tried calling her back but we lost the call after a few seconds and I was unable to reach her again all day.

Later on, I had a second date with the woman from Reston. In Reston.

She is genuinely a little strange. And not in a particularly good way.

She spends all weekend, every weekend, with her parents in the western part of the state. How she expects to have a normal social life, I'm not sure. She has no tools of her own... if she needs something, she borrows it from her parents.

She's way too into network television. She's obsessed with shopping, though not apparently to her financial detriment. She cannot drive a five-speed and isn't interested in learning. She absolutely cannot imagine why my cats are free to be in the kitchen. She sleeps with all the lights on and cannot imagine why someone wouldn't.

I am uncertain whether this is somebody I really want to be with, particularly since she volunteered that she's "giving up sex for Lent," even though she's not Catholic.

Does this sound like a place I want to be?


I just wish I had more real prospects.

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