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Adventures in time analysis

February 08, 2006 - 11:49 a.m.

Listening to public radio on the way into work, I started thinking about the truly staggering amount of time most people waste dealing with problems other people created for them.

They were interviewing a guy who spent years in Nepal studying tigers. Outsiders have been going to Nepal to study how to save tigers for more than thirty years now. Why are tigers disappearing in the wild? Because their habitat is dribbling away rather quickly. Why? Because there are too fucking many humans. Or more to the point, there are too many humans... fucking. And making more humans.

Did anyone put in a standing order for more humans? If you did, would you mind canceling it? I think that guy in Nepal would like to study something else now.

Look around you today. Look at all the things, big and small, you have to spend your time on because someone else sucked at being a human. It ranges from the small (an extra second to get the top off my prescription bottle because some people are too stupid to keep medicines out of the reach of small humans) to the large (a detour because some dumbass walked out into traffic and was killed by a human driving a large truck). Keep your eyes open for the next 24 hours, and anytime you do anything, ask yourself:

Am I doing this because I want to do it, or am I being forced to do this to cover for someone else's inability to run their own life?

I think you will be astonished at how little of your day really belongs to you, and how much of it is dictated by the actions of stupid people.

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