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Nothing turns a woman off

September 27, 2005 - 6:21 p.m.

I am running a serious risk of losing an audience here simply by not having had much sex to talk about lately. That IS why you tune in, right? I mean, how many guys actually want to talk about that? Not "speculate about it," but actually tell you what they've done, where and with whom? Honestly?

I suffer from a pretty severe lack of new material, and don't feel like rehashing old material. I'll likely see Lissa some evening this week (though I'm not sure what we'll end up doing) but that's a long way from fermenting into something tangy, though if she leaped on me in the car on the way to dinner, I wouldn't push her off unless it was a safety hazard (see also, "The Ear Licker"). Nevertheless, there's nothing much to talk about just now.

But what then? I've started refinishing the ceiling and walls in my bedroom, preparatory to finally getting rid of the last of the obnoxious green and yellow paint in there (and presumably making it more appealing for women). The bathroom is progressing slowly, a task aided by the excellent performance of the water filter. Again, most of these things are only marginally for my benefit and substantially for the benefit of some presumed future woman. Nothing turns a woman off your house faster than having her open the faucet in the bathtub and having this stuff that looks like iced tea come out, or laying in your bed wondering if the wallpaper is going to fall on her face.

The site is still roaring... over half a million hits so far, and things seem to be leveling off. It's strange to be in the middle of a net.fad. They end fairly quickly, though, if All Your Base and "hamsterdance" are any gauges by which I can go.

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