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Sickening, isn't it?

May 27, 2004 - 5:00 p.m.

I am starting to get tired of drinking. I mean, at all. It just gets boring and doesn't make me feel particularly good. I was having what I thought was an allergic reaction a couple of weeks ago, and that was enough. I have cut way back. I imagine the distilling industry will be quite sad to hear this.

Melody is meeting my parents in a few hours. This should be interesting. The only other person they've met since my ex-wife left was Penny, and they certainly liked her. This will be interesting, because Penny and Melody are quite drastically different from each other.

I like to think that anyone looking at us would see why we're together.

A nice surprise for her showed up in the mail last night. I found some really cute pink patent pumps on eBay and bought them for Melody. Now, all we have to do is find a dress to go with them. They are impossibly cute... but then, so is she.

Am I getting revolting or what?

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