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A way to bite your lip

November 17, 2003 - 2:29 a.m.

I continue to be amazed at the abuse the Saab seems to take from me without protesting much. The other night we were literally blown off the road by a strong wind gust, and the Saab ended up in a ditch full of reeds and mud, having slipped between a large power pole and one of the pole's guy wires. If I'd hit the pole, I'd probably not have been hurt (I wasn't going all that fast) but it'd have totaled the car.

I bit my lower lip. I figure it's because I was saying "FUCK!" at the time the car went off the road. Try it yourself... say "fuck" and in the middle, have someone whack the top of your head.

It hurts.

Everything else is going reasonably well. House is OK, the gadgets are OK, sex with Penny this weekend was fun, we got to see Mary in a musical she has been doing, and I didn't stuff myself with food and didn't consume any alky at all. Sounds boring, doesn't it?

Yeah, yeah. Just watch out for the wind.

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