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Four feet away

November 07, 2003 - 12:43 p.m.

I have a new favorite browser. The other day, just wandering around, I checked back in and downloaded the current release of Mozilla, and noticed that there's another, more interesting offshoot of that project called Firebird. Downloaded it, and it's terrific. Stable, looks good, works incredibly fast (far faster than even Safari on my iMac, which was getting to be my favorite. Lots of nice little touches to block popups and make browsing easier. Go check it out. It's just amazing.

I'm feeling suddenly much better now that Penny is back from the West. She isn't... at least she wasn't last night. We went out for dinner and drinks, and when we got back to her house, her body decided to reject all of it. I did the good-guy thing and held her hair out of the way and said calming things. Some stomach virus, I suppose, or a bad crab cake.

I can't even explain why I feel better, I just... do. Everything is fine now. I was feeling like crap while she was away, and it's all fine now.

On the way in to work, I spotted another Saab for sale up near where Penny lives... a silver-gray 1987 that looks to be in terrific shape and is relatively cheap. If only the seller would answer the phone, I'd go up there tomorrow and have a close look at it. After all these years, I know precisely what to look at and what to ignore, and because I want to have some work done on my white one (to remove a dent, for one, and to have the head rebuilt for performance for another) in the next couple of months, I need something other than the old Volvo to drive. She has earned her garage space with the sale of my lead-weight Mercedes-Benz on eBay this week. $700 I wouldn't otherwise have, and I get both my garage space and my barn floor back. Some guy in West New York, New Jersey bought it. My hero.

I keep getting these spams offering to increase the length of my penis by three inches. I figure I should reply to fifteen or twenty of them, so I can change channels on the television from four feet away... without getting up.

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