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A good disaster week

April 19, 2008 - 10:16 p.m.

All sorts of news. The cake lady is cool, the flower people are cool, Suzanne is unemployed, somebody is trying to serve papers on us for what-we-have-no-idea, and Suzanne's car is trashed.

Oddly, things are good.

Anyway, our cake will look like this:

Flowers were insanely expensive relative to what we're actually getting. Remind me in my next life to be the person who supplies flowers to weddings. It's an incredible racket. These people even wanted four hundred dollars to deliver the flowers.

The church is precisely two blocks from the flower place.

We told them we'd pick them up.

Friday Suzanne called me at work and said that while she was out for half an hour picking up stuff at the store, the neighbor said that someone official-looking (the neighbor thought it was plainclothes state cops) was at the house tapping on the front door. They didn't come in, apparently, and then went away without leaving anything. I called around and found that it was likely one of the county deputies trying to serve some kind of court papers. Our main idea is that it's probably Suzanne's crazy ex-boss, who fired her three weeks early during a tantrum on Monday. I think I mentioned the boss was bi-polar and wasn't bothering to treat it... anyway, she marched into Suzanne's office, gave her her last two checks and her severance check, and told her to get the hell out. All we can figure is she's filed some sort of order trying to keep Suzanne away from the office or prevent her from contacting any of their clients or something. Not that Suzanne had any such intent.

Or, it could be something completely different... who knows. They'll probably stop back next week, and we'll find out.

Anyway, Friday night after that adventure, Suzanne was on her way to meet me for dinner after work, and was in a rear-end accident on I-70 when some Pennsylvanian changed lanes and then nailed their brakes, and Suzanne tagged them on the left-rear. They had their car towed, even though it was clearly still driveable. Suzanne had AAA tow her car, which was definitely not driveable, though the engine seemed OK and it wasn't leaking anything but a little coolant. The right front and hood were both destroyed. The airbags didn't even blow.

So we went to dinner elsewhere and now she is carless.

We decided not to send an invitation to my nephew and his train-wreck fundy wife-oid, even though he's now moved back in with her and their children. We just don't need that potential drama at our wedding, and his wife is too obtuse to realize that "this event may not be suitable for children under 12" means get a goddamn babysitter for anyone who isn't in middle school yet, you dolt.

She's the sort who would wrongly assume that her loud children are welcome just everywhere and she'd probably latch onto any stray breeding-age young woman and talk their ass off about babies and diapers and Jesus. Do that shit at your own wedding, honey.

We planted marigolds today, I mowed and took pictures of all the flowering trees (we have a cherry tree that's over sixty feet tall and is a white-blossom riot this week), and fixed a downspout that's been apart for some months now.

All in all, a good day. A good week.

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