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August 08, 2006 - 4:57 p.m.

When Suzanne and I were out shopping for dresses for her a month or so ago, we saw a truly horrible dress. "Horrible" may not even cover it. This was a full-length prom-type dress, something you might have seen Jean Harlow in back in 1933 or something, except that you'd never have seen the color, since Harlow was in black-and-white.

The color... hmmm...

OK, remember the last construction site you passed? The cones, and those safety vests the flaggers were wearing?

That color.


I mean, glow-in-the-dark, shows-up-on-Doppler-radar-down-at-our-NewsCenter2-studios, ORANGE.

It was hilarious and awful. Of course, it was in New Jersey, at a mall.

Today, however, I saw some woman who works on my floor in just such a color, except in a suit with a short skirt and a short jacket, and she actually looked OK in it. Of course, she had a tan, so having a solar color like that might have made sense. On your typical paste-colored New Jersey high school girl, it'd have looked like some sort of prank.

Just don't drop a bucket of blood on her, or there'll be hell to pay.

I got over eight hundred miles out of the tank of diesel in the new Passat. And there was at least two or three more gallons in there to be used.

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