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Cat balls!

March 29, 2006 - 11:15 p.m.

Last night's meeting with the overly-low-key woman was pretty much a disappointment. She was moderately-attractive, but also hyper and distracted to the point I thought maybe she had some sort of flavor of Asperger's Syndrome or something. She was minimally useful at trivia, preferring to second-guess and overthink everything we were answering.

So, I guess we're back to the trenches again.

I met a cat this evening... he was sitting on the wall across the street. I went over and got the mail, and he came over to talk. I put out some food for him and talked to him a while, and he seemed quite friendly. He has rather prominent kitty-balls, so I think I'll take him over to the vet and have those taken care of, thus limiting the future kitten population around here.

The other cats were mesmerized by him, sticking their faces up in the screen door and watching him.

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