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November 28, 2005 - 4:27 a.m.

I can't wait to see her.

There are so few women who are so honest with themselves, and by extension, honest with all who touch them... I think this lady is one of them. I got home last night and could still smell her scent on my shoulders and cheeks... even over the latent gasoline smell.

It's scary. It scares me when a day later, I pick up the tiniest scent of a woman I like, and I get hard all over again. Right here, right now, I can feel her, feel my cheek against the silk of her blouse, feel her hair against my hand, feel her knee against mine, feel her lips and her nose and know how warm she was getting.

I am not as old as I thought, because at least one gorgeous woman wants me, but we can't have each other.


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