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Getting out of the hole

November 15, 2005 - 5:03 p.m.

I had a pretty bad night last night... not tangibly, but sort of inside my head. I have to learn to be careful to take the words of others in a balance, and it's been difficult for me to do that lately. Without input from and contact with someone close to me, it's too easy for me to think myself into a hole. I've learned, wisely, not to act while I'm in that hole, however, and these days I just wait and let the sun cheer me up the next day. Blackness only lasts till the light, in more ways than one.

I got an interesting email from Miranda. She apparently thought enough of me to describe me to her mother, who is coming up for Thanksgiving next week. True, her mother apparently said that she "doesn't think we're a good fit," but Miranda said "she'll work on that with her." Anytime you hear from someone secondhand, there's a translation error that creeps in. I told Miranda that my stepmother would almost certainly like her. My stepmother seems to like everybody I'm with. She still wonders why Sarah and I didn't work out. She liked Sarah. She really liked Melody. She liked Penny. She liked Nancy.

Sometimes I wonder what my stepmother's guidelines are.

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