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I thought they'd eaten them

October 12, 2005 - 2:32 p.m.

Well, Apple went ahead and did it. After insisting for months that they wouldn't introduce a video iPod, of course they went and introduced one. Interestingly, one of the first things they released with it was an update to iTunes allowing you to buy and download various over-the-air television shows, like Lost and Desperate Housewives. And hooray for Apple, the downloads will not include the commercials. Anyone who's ever had the piss annoyed out of them by buying a $20 DVD and then having to watch commercials for other DVDs will appreciate this.

As can be expected, the site is getting the hell slammed out of it, since the announcement was only about an hour ago. I won't put the link up; you can find it if you need it. Those of you still stuck with boring old Windows PCs, be aware that you'll be stuck with them at least for another year, and even then, when Microsoft introduces Vista, your present PC will likely not be able to deal with it. Why not try out one of those inexpensive, cute white boxes, hm?

I won't be updating my iPod for at least another year, mostly because I have another portable device to play video if I need it. My Sony PSP is holding up well, even if I've gotten bored with playing Tiger Woods PGA but haven't gotten the hang of Mercury yet. I sometimes wonder what teenage guys think when they see some 40-year-old guy wrassling a PSP.

But only for a moment.

My kitchen is amazingly clean after a concerted effort last night. I moved the refrigerator for the first time since I bought the house over nine years ago, and found the world's largest collection of cat toys, including about five flannel mice. And here, all these years I'd thought they'd eaten them. Still, I got in all the corners, bleached the hell out of the floor, put things away, cleaned off the tops of things, and generally performed home-care miracles which will go unnoted by the historians. All this, mostly so that I can open that room up again and put the cat dishes and catboxes back down there. While having all that stuff up in the main part of the house has been an interesting experiment, I'm sort of tired of having to vacuum the rugs literally every day to deal with catbox dust they've tracked all over. Instead, I'll just put some nice, washable Astroturf at the bottom of the kitchen stairs that should extract litter from between all those little cat-toes.

Now, if I can just figure out who's yacking up food, I'll be entirely happy. I still have a lot of rearranging of things to do around the house, but dealing with the kitchen was a useful first step.

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