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Moving on

May 24, 2004 - 9:29 p.m.

Marie has told me that she has finally "let go," and said that if we talk, that's fine. If we don't, that's fine. Over the last couple of weeks, I've found my intense curiosity about her waning as Melody and I get further and further wrapped up in each other's lives.

Would I have liked to explore Marie further? Yes. Did her outburst at BWI give me a lot of pause? Yes. Am I sure that I'll ever see her again? No. Would I miss that?

I'm not sure. Over time, I worry about it less and less.

She doubtless would have been amazing in bed. But the possible thorns just seem to have outweighed all that. Sex is not exactly in short supply lately. Good sense and deep kindness have been in recent months, and in Melody, I am recharging my supply.

Boris has been gone an entire week. The house is still adjusting to the hole he left behind in it.

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