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May 28, 2008 - 10:55 a.m.

Well, Max's eye is doing well, his giant paw is getting smaller, and he's going back to being his usual brat self.

Suzanne has been basically weed-eating the entire house, putting things away that have never had an actual "away" and vacuuming stuff that hasn't been vacuumed in years. In the process, she's discovered some stuff I forgot I had, or that wasn't where I thought it was, like a copy of my birth certificate I had done eleven years ago.

The new bed is pretty good, enough so that I don't feel like getting up. But I did.

See, now, as soon as stuff at home settles down, stuff at work goes bananas. Now that Memorial Day is past, the people who think up new problems where there were none are all back in the office thinking up new stuff to make this place suck worse. As I've said, if you make it suck to work somewhere, eventually, only people who suck will work there.

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