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Not as sympathetic as I might be

February 24, 2008 - 7:20 p.m.

I've been updating here less and less the last couple of months. I'm still writing online, just not here, at least not as much. I'll probably end up moving off DL, but not sure where I'll end up. Probably on my own server, and over time, gradually merge this with the stuff I write there. The bifurcation has been a concern for me for a while now.

Suzanne is still all worried about her job, and the likelihood it will end this coming week. I figure, don't worry about it, you didn't wanna work there any more anyway.

Still, going back to having one solid income in the house is a little distressing for me. I'd hoped to be able to pay the mortgage down some and make some improvements, but I guess refinancing here will have to suffice for now.

I just don't wanna hear about her misery at this job. I am more a fan of, "well, do something about it."

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