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Just stay where you are

October 24, 2007 - 9:49 a.m.

Well, we talked some stuff out, and fooled around, so I guess we're back on track. Something Suzanne once told me was that she and the guy she lived with for seven years, up until a few years ago had a sort of strange cycle where they'd have enormous fights about once a month, then they'd get over it. I'm trying to picture eighty-four arguments...

I don't think I've had that many in my entire life. Nancy and I had very few, though looking back, I'm thinking maybe we should have had some more. Nancy tended to avoid conflict and would say and do things to defuse the situation so she didn't have to confront anything, and while I'm fine with that if the person is doing it to postpone some issue until it can be dealt with more effectively, Nancy tended to just do whatever it took to get out of the immediate situation without making that mental note to come back and revisit and resolve things when the mood was better.

Suzanne and I have been together about fifteen months, and if we've only been through two chaotic times in that time, both of which I can partly attribute to depression or changes in her medication, I'd say we're doing decently. I do wish her discussion skills were a little more... adult. Even when I'm speaking calmly and factually, she tends to drag petty shit into the discussion and loses focus. While she has never actually said, "I know you are, but what am I?" in a discussion, I can picture it happening. Melody could be like that at times, too, and it was way-ass out of character and disturbing.

That is, when she wasn't sounding like an elderly fourth-grade teacher lecturing a misbehaving student.

It's raining here. Sorry about all your trees and houses and stuff, Southern California. Something I've always liked about Maryland is that we have very little truly extreme weather. Few enormous blizzards, a mild tornado once in a great while, sometimes some powerful thunderstorms, but by and large, Maryland is a safe place. No big fires, volcanic activity, earthquakes, hurricanes, or F5 tornadoes.

Don't y'all start getting the idea that it'd be good to move here. I got here first, you can just stay where you are, so I don't have to be behind your can't-drive-in-the-snow ass on I-70.

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