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His complete dildishness

October 04, 2007 - 12:26 a.m.

Well, another summer shot to hell.

I did get some of the stuff I planned to do, accomplished. There is more paint on the house, the old stove is gone, there is stuff growing on the trees, and the cats and wabbits are all mostly fine (though Simba and Tucker are both rather snorfly). And Suzanne and I haven't driven each other nuts.

Still, I wanted to get more done.

Fortunately, in Maryland, summer seems to be extending itself so I can finally work on things that need to be done. All I have to do is generate the energy to do it. I've been in a depressive pit most of the summer, and while the drugs have helped, initiative is still in short supply in these days when my main goal seems to be figuring out how to sleep better. Some nights I just wish I had about ninety feather pillows into which I can burrow, but Suzanne would have a hard time climbing over the mountain to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. She has a hard enough time with me and the few cats who commonly get to share the bed. Max, Bert, Whale and Gus are obstacles enough.

Max just appeared next to my elbow, fascinated by some bug who's flying around under the lampshade. He is a kitten easily mesmerized by bugs. He knows that Ben, the megawabbit, already dwarfs him and always will, but that hasn't made him any less of a GrumpyKittentm. He just doesn't like being picked up except on his own terms, and my terms have always been, "you're the kitten, I can pick you up any time I want."

He'll figure it out eventually.

Is there anyone left in the country who hasn't figured out that Bush is a dildo? In the same week, he sent his minions to Congress to beg for $190 billion dollars to go shoot Iraqis, and rejects $35 billion to fun health care for poor children in the United States, whining about "his budget."

Bud, your budget was fucked a long time ago. Keep my money at home. Even though I think most American children shouldn't be born, since there are already too many, if they're already out there, might as well get them medical care so they don't infect my cow-orkers with strange disease-resistant shit.

Funny how those "right-to-life" Republicans are all about your "right to life" until you're born, in which case they wave and smile and say, "here's your life, it's gonna suck ass, but you had a right to it! Now go away and don't bother us till it's time for you to report to prison or go to another country and get killed for Halliburton."

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