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The last day

September 20, 2007 - 6:14 p.m.

I really hate moving.

Not my house, of course, since I don't expect to be moving again in my lifetime, but my office. We're being exiled to an offsite leased space, to be "closer to the content authors," but the whole thing is a big clusterfuck. The teams that work closely over here are, for the time being, scattered all over the place. The network connectivity over there is nowhere near as reliable or fast as we have it over here (rather important when you're rebuilding a 300-megabyte database from afar). About the only advantage will be that parking is easier to come by. Pogh.

Even more of a pain, they're coming for our boxes and phones and furniture at 8:30 or 9, but not shipping the computers over there until midafternoon, meaning we get to stand around in empty cubes most of the day, able to do just about nothing. I'll probably just swipe a chair from someone who isn't moving, and sit here and write most of the afternoon. At least accomplish something.

I've been in depression most of the week... various things are floating around in my life and it seems like they're all coming to a head right about now. Having to box everything up and move is just another seed in the shoe.

Boxing everything up reminds me of how long I've been around here (13 years now) and all the good people who've retired or moved on that I don't hear from any more. Sure, I've outlasted a lot of people who were pains in my ass a decade ago, but with them we also lost some great people who knew their stuff and who made work here much nicer.

Tomorrow is the last day of summer.

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