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We can has kitten!

July 29, 2007 - 1:23 a.m.

A bunch of things are going on... first, right now and for the last two hours we've been getting pounded by rain which has avoided us for the last week or two. It hit hard and heavy about 9:00, hard enough to knock down one of my downspouts, so that about 20 gallons of water a minute were dumping straight down the front wall of the house onto my electric meter box, and if the sealing fails on the top connection, the house will go dark in a spectacular blast of sparks, I'm guessing. Hasn't happened yet, but I told Suzanne to unplug her MacBook from its power supply just in case.

Second, we have a new kitten! We went to PetSmart the other night and met a really nice kitten, a white kitten with gray stripeycat dripped over him, considerate with his claws and curious and friendly. Today, we went back to adopt him. He's now lounging in an enclosure in the bedroom, equipped with a cat cave, food, water and a cat toy. A fierce, alert sort of kitten.

He has no name.

Well, he had a name they gave him at the shelter, but it's completely unsuited to him and like all those have gone before, I think cats should be allowed to make their names apparent. Years ago, the late Data was simply "The Kitten" for about two months before his name was obvious. I think Suzanne is a little annoyed we can't just assign him a name, but I know the ways of cats, and his name will become known in time.

Right now I just want to go upstairs and snurfle him, except that I want to stay up just in case the next blast of this storm system does something stupid to us. The second band of heavy rain just ended, and there's another band about fifteen miles west of here, moving this way. The thunder has been impressive but not the loudest I've ever heard here.

That is not a dare.

We also went to the tractor show down in Berryville, Virginia today. Checked out a lot of equipment, watched a horse pull competition, had some bean soup and good ice cream, and bought a vintage Mirro pressure cooker, something that for some reason I wanted.

It's a strange fascination, I know.

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