People In Hell Want Icewater
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There will be more

June 02, 2007 - 3:46 a.m.

The house smells of lemon oil. Mostly.

I've been up cleaning and polishing the wood. And you have to know, there's a LOT of wood in this house.

And a lot of cats, who tend to take the shine off wood just by existing.

Some random things I say:

  • You don't go to college to get a job. You don't go to college to get a degree. You don't go to college to learn things. You go to college to learn how to learn. Do that, and all that other stuff will come. If you graduate and have not learned that, your degree is worth jack shit.
  • Pantene sounds like some sort of floor tile made out of old ground-up underwear.
  • Wow, lookit all the white people!
  • Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Some call me the hamster of love.
  • I think one of the most inventive wedding gifts would be... a live turkey.
  • The road to Hell is paved with good Nintentions.
  • Walk softly, and carry a big checkbook.
  • Hoogizzashit?
  • Shoulds aren't ises.
  • Hey! You! Get offa... my... cow!
  • You aren't automatically worth more just because you breathe air for a year.
  • Debugging skills: what is it? What's it supposed to do? When was the last time it did that? What'd you do to fuck it up?
  • I want to open a Mexican restaurant in the inner city. I'm gonna call it "Nacho Daddy."

There will be more.

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