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Computery stuff and wabbit video

April 24, 2007 - 5:57 p.m.

I've been going through various conniptions to keep my server at home running... after replacing the ailing drives, I found that the regular web ports on the cable line were being blocked, so I had to so some service redirection to get it functional again. Alas, that doesn't work for Suzanne's domain, so I'll have to fool with things some more. The drive surgery was a success... I put one of the leftover 120Gb drives in another machine and installed first Ubuntu Linux, then Solaris on it. I was largely unimpressed with both, so I'll probably just burn the drive back and use it to store stuff on.

I take issue with Sun's claim of Solaris as "the most advanced operating system on the planet." I mean, jeez, they still don't have a "screen" utility and I can't run Domino Server for Solaris on it if it's on an Intel-based machine. Poop on it.

Tomorrow, I get to do another demo of the miracle code I've been writing the last couple of weeks. This one could very well change the course of the project that's been my life for ten or eleven years, a change that's very much for the better. More details later.

We had an experiment for dinner last night: chicken Cordon Bleu on the grill. I stuffed chicken breasts with good Hormel Cure 81 ham and Edam cheese, and put them on over a moderate heat, and they came out spectacularly tasty. The cats enjoyed them probably even more than we did... Tucker paddled his big feet across the living room and climbed up on Suzanne's lap to take chicken treats from my hand, which he hasn't done in years.

He's so... complex.

By the way, you can have a look at Suzanne's wabbits cavorting in the yard. Unlikely movie stars. Of note is that I shot all the video with the built-in iSight camera in the lid of Suzanne's MacBook. Not exactly the most agile camera in the world, but better than hauling a whole desktop machine out into the yard and chasing the wabbits around with it.

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