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Jeez, I need to sleep

January 18, 2007 - 11:08 a.m.

I am quite desperately trying to figure out a way to sleep before I have to drive 500 miles tomorrow night. I ended up staying up most of the night due to circumstances mostly beyond my control and beyond the scope of this blog, and now I'm trying to figure out a way to zero out at least a little of that sleep deficit.

It's not easy.

I'm at work, sorting out the leftovers of yesterday's problems and preparing for the usual January conference I attend. Not a lot of pressing things here related to that, but a bunch of cat things still have to be done, most notably getting the cats another water tank. The big tank is in the kitchen with The Known Poopers, and the upstairs cats have only a moderate-size water dish that barely lasts two days, compared to the Big Tank's week or more.

One thing I might do is put a big bowl in the bathtub and leave the faucet dripping into it. Even the great bulk of Gus can get into and out of the bathtub if the water is interesting enough.

Plus, it's hilarious to watch.

The diesel is ready enough for the trip. Really, doing 1800 miles in a week and a half isn't all that much different than doing its usual 700-miles-a-week commute coupled with a 500-miles round trip to Suzanne's, with random driving mileage thrown in. I am pretty confident it can do each direction (up and back) on a single tank of No. 2 Diesel fuel. Time to put batteries in the GPS and try it out.

Of course, I'll take a spare can of fuel along just in case.

Just in case.

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