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Parades and football and fed up

January 01, 2007 - 1:20 p.m.

Always nice to see those digits roll over to another year.

Last night I finally had it with the place I've been going after work for a number of years. I won't be terribly surprised if it ends up being a nail salon in another year or so, the way it's been run lately and because of a few of the people working there.

I just don't need attitude any more. I've got enough of my own, and I just don't feel like paying for someone else's any longer. The average half-life of watering holes for me is about five years, and the "five year" clock has just about struck for this place. Maybe it's time to take five years off and put all that money in a jar and put that time into my house.

That would be good.

Suzanne and I are going to go downstairs and built cat perches in the kitchen now. Have a good day watching parades and football and stuff.

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