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Adventures in spam

October 25, 2006 - 10:20 p.m.

Today's bizarre spam subject line:

Puke Tiara

I didn't delete it immediately. Yeah, I know, it's just some random pair of words the spammer's software picks out ("explosive enema" was a recent classic) but it started me thinking. Diamond tiaras, sure... but...

OK, suppose you went to a really low-budget rednecky kinda school in Arkansas somewhere, and you got elected Homecoming Queen? If your boyfriend had a lot of Miller Lites before the ceremony, might you have a "puke tiara" later?


Today, I spent the afternoon dealing with a bunch of nitpicky appearance-related requests from this other department for whom I built a web application in an amazingly-short time (thanks to Lotus Domino), and they handed the "final review" duties off to some clerk who doesn't know a web application from a web foot. She's sending me all these stupid little things like "this line needs to be moved X pixels to the right" and shit like that, and completely bounces over the simple question of DOES THE SHIT WORK AND DOES IT DO WHAT YOU WANT?

I guarantee, not a single member of the public gives a green shit about the appearance of the site. Those sorts of worries are left for low-grade government workers with too little to do all day.

The app premieres on November 1. Dicky little lines and microscopic changes in font size notwithstanding.

I should order that woman a puke tiara.

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