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The stupidest of the day

October 17, 2006 - 11:44 p.m.

Stupidest commercial I've seen tonight:

Thank you, Claritin-D! Thank you for not changing your formula!

The premise of the commercial is that now that they've diddled with the federal regulations about what can and cannot be sold right off the drugstore shelves for various maladies, lest some redneck buy 10,000 of them and turn it into meth to fry their lizard brains, some lesser over-the-counter drugs have changed their formulations so that they can stay out on the shelves instead of being hidden behind the pharmacy counter.

How about "fuck you, Bush FDA, for trying to distract people from the erosion of their Constitutional rights and all the other shit you morons are doing, and instead making it impossible for people to even fucking buy cough syrup or anything else useful after the pharmacy counter at the supermarket inevitably closes ten minutes before you got to the store."

As a reminder, Claritin used to be a prescription-only medication. It was approved for over-the-counter sale a few years ago, and now even that minor advantage is negated because you have to go to the pharmacy anyway, a task that's impossible even at 24-hour drugstores and grocery stores, because the pharmacy counter is never 24-hour.

What a bunch of horseshit.

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