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Fixing stuff and getting fixed

September 16, 2006 - 6:41 p.m.

You know, I think there are areas in your brain that only open up when you have certain sensations... for me, usually, that's sex. While that's a good thing, when combined with alcohol, sex can sometimes act as a master key that opens up areas of your brain that normally aren't much affected by alcohol and lets it in there, with the result that you feel all wiped out the next day even if you didn't have much to drink. The more intense the sex, the more little doors in your brain get opened up and the more wiped-out you feel the next day.

Today, we didn't get up until 2:00.

Among the afternoon's big achievements was the repair of the TDI so that it now has all its gear again. I discovered that not just being out of adjustment, the gear selector has slipped its splines so that it physically couldn't rotate into the positions to get reverse, 1st, 3rd and 5th. I undid everything, reset the splines where they belonged, then tightened everything back up. It worked, though it's worn enough that I should look ahead to replacing the worn parts or machining a keyway into them so that they can be locked into the correct orientation. It's not the best design, putting delicate little splines in a location that vibrates and gets stresses every time the car is driven, but that's what it is. If it's a real pain, I'll just solder it in the correct position or put a locking washer on it. VW purists can go pound salt.

I also cleared some weeds and vines, which made me feel marginally better. I suppose I could take the evil weedeater out there and tear up a lot of shit but I'll probably do that next week rather than spend time this weekend on it.

Suzanne is going home earlier than usual... she has some sort of on-call tomorrow night, so rather than leaving early Monday morning to go back, she's leaving tomorrow afternoon.


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