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I hate that stuff

August 30, 2006 - 11:39 a.m.

Oboy! I haven't seen my usual Eye Candy Girl in some time now, but there's a new one over on the other side of the office, some contractor. Probably 28 or 30, long dark hair, nice legs, cute suit, sexy black heels. It's a nice diversion for the afternoon, one I definitely need. I just got out of a morning-long stup-o-meeting that achieved damn near nothing except wearing out my shoes walking to the far end of another building.

I am a little annoyed at my cablemodem at home. Every once in a while, it freaks out and refuses to talk to the cable system. There's no fix from Linksys, apparently, and I am far from the only person with this problem. Pain in the aaaaaaaaaaass... I think it's time to visit Radio Snack and get a simple light timer. Have the thing cycle the power on itself every twelve hours whether it needs it or not.

Or, get another (yet another) cable modem.

I hate that stuff.

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