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Is she really goin' out with him?

August 27, 2006 - 4:54 p.m.

Suzanne has a marvelous talent for being a tart in small but impressive ways. This week's theme: fishnet. She met me after work -- later than she expected, thanks for moron drivers on I-95 -- and she got a nice roomful of jaw-drop looks from the guys when she got out of her car. Blue patterned sheath dress, black shiny heels and black fishnets. I didn't even realize it for a few seconds because from a distance, they just looked gray. In any case, the guys at the bar were quite friendly. We stayed a while, had dinner and socialized, then went home and fooled around.

Yesterday we did a lot of stuff around the house, once I got my little tractor back from the service place and fooled with it more to get it working. I cut grass, Suzanne did her laundry, and then we decided to go over to Columbia for dinner. Tonight's outfit of choice was her red dress, some new red heels she just got, and natural-color fishnets. Much more subtle, and she got lots of admiring looks.

Only one thing marred the evening's dinner, a woman we'll call The Great Pumpkin. While we were sitting at the bar in Clyde's, waiting for a table, this blonde woman in her mid-thirties and a friend of hers sat at the next two spots, and when her mouth opened, the world's most annoying voice flowed out into the room. A whiny, high-pitched Betty-Booplike squeak that she regularly drew out into singsong crap like "it's soooooo good to SEEEEEE YUUUUUUU" and "you're so riiiiiiight!"

We wanted to taser the crap out of her. People at other tables were actually looking around to see who the hell had that irritating voice.

We eventually got a table and could still hear her from across the restaurant... big ass, dyed-blonde hair in a long muu-muu-like orange dress. When we finally got up to go, an older couple at a nearby table stopped us and told us how nice we looked, and said that they hoped "our dinner hadn't been spoiled by The Voice."

They knew.

Anyway, we made a quick stop at Bippy's, where Suzanne caused some popped eyes again, and then it was home, through a rainstorm that dropped three inches of rain in less than two hours. Suzanne was half-asleep but kept stretching her legs out to tease me a little. I was teased.

So, here we are on Sunday, and we're practically inert. Nothing much to do outside, since it's likely to rain, so we're just poking around online and watching golf. Welcome to what our married life will probably be like, when we're not out dazzling other people and puzzling them at the same time.

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