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Amazing mileage and avoiding scrutiny by old ladies

August 03, 2006 - 4:09 p.m.

Yes, it's still hot here. Don't ask.

I had a long talk last night with Suzanne... I'm a little concerned that she isn't able to separate what she does, but doesn't particularly like doing, which is this whole ministry/ordination thing, from her own needs and wants in a relationship. Seems like she's letting the expectations of others drive what she wants to do and when, and one thing I was adamant about is that during her process to be ordained, I don't want my own life to become some sort of factor in her process.

Basically, I don't want a bunch of church ladies looking me over with a microscope and casting shadows on her because I don't want anything to do with churches. That's her life; this one's mine. We're all adults here, though the more she tells me about the sort of people who populate her church, the less I believe that statement.

Despite what it might seem from the millions of words I've written online for these last nine years, I am fairly private and hate being scrutinized.

One of the Segways is being repaired up in New Hampshire, but there's another repair I'll have to make to it when the parts get back. There's a cable connector in the control shaft that apparently sheared off when I unplugged it from the base, and it controls half the operation of the unit. Guess I'll have to take the thing apart and replace the cable. Damn if I'm going to take Segway's suggestion and spend over $500 on a new charging base just for the sake of a broken $4 AMP connector!

I am driving the gasoline car today. I just couldn't face another day in a non-air-conditioned car, even if it IS getting incredible mileage. I topped eight hundred miles on the tank of diesel last night on my way home, and the low-fuel light still has not popped on. That means the car is getting at least forty-five miles per gallon, and possibly more. Mind you, that's with me driving my usual 75mph and not easing up on the car... if I drove 60, I'd get over 50mpg, or possible as much as a thousand miles on a tank.

It's been years since I've gone a whole week on a single tank of fuel, and this one's been in there almost two weeks now.

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