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Frustration about distance

July 09, 2006 - 11:06 p.m.

Lesson for you bartenders: try not to piss the DJ off.

I had a good, if somewhat lazy, weekend. I mowed a great deal yesterday, and had a good time hacking at weeds and growth around the house with this big machete-looking kinda thing I got at the hardware store. I also painted my mailbox, which was looking nasty. It's all white again.

I talked with Suzanne quite a lot this weekend. The freedom of Skype makes it possible for us to be doing other things and just sort of... talk to each other. Not so much like a phone call, but more like we're next to each other, or at least in the same room. The sound quality on the MacBook is quite good, quite clear.

Still, it's not like having her here, or me there. I find myself getting really frustrated by the inconvenience of distance, the crappy sound quality of wireless phones, times when we can't reach each other. She sounds different talking on the phone than when we're in person, and it's off-putting. My solution is to get rid of the intervening distance, but it's not something I can do tomorrow. Or the day after that.

I am not going to let her hear my frustration. She's feeling it, too, and it doesn't do any good for both of us to be vexed by it when there's nothing to be done about it.

I have a feeling most of my friends are already tired of me talking about Suzanne, so I guess it's time she spends more time here so they can figure out why I'm so enthusiastic. Some of them have already figured it out.

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