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No sheep allowed

July 06, 2006 - 2:45 p.m.

And sure enough, now I'm back at work. I had this hallucination that I wrote yesterday, but for some reason can't find it. I wonder where the hell it went? Do you remember reading an entry for July 5th? I just write this, I don't usually read it, so I really can't say. I just have this vision of me writing a bunch of stuff here yesterday, and there's nothin'.

I had some really crappy dreams last night... can't remember much about them except that they were crappy, with the exception of one toward dawn that Suzanne was in. We Skyped last night rather late and that probably factors into her appearance in dreams. She has just recently started appearing, a delay that surprises me a little. Some women I've dated never appeared in my dreams, some appeared way too much and too long.

Speaking of delays, it was raining pretty hard when I got home last night. I hadn't been home since Friday morning, but the cats had run out of neither food nor water, though the catboxes were a little nasty, so I filled one with fresh catlitter and will finish the others tonight, along with cleaning the kitchen floor and stairs. The rest of the house was fine without me, though one or two of the outdoor plants for some reason withered from lack of water -- amazing, considering it rained damn near every day last week.

This afternoon I had lunch with my division director, and we got rather philosophical about his upcoming retirement. I suspect my job will be much less pleasant without him running interference for us and scouting up funds and sponsorship for all the weird little projects we do around here. If he is succeeded by someone else with his kind of vision and independence, things will be OK. If he's succeeded by the usual sort of ass-sniffing sheep this place tends to attract, we're doomed and I suspect there will be many more retirements in the future. Not me, of course, since I won't be able to retire for at least eleven more years. He did suggest that if there's another government agency I find interesting and appealing, it might help to keep my ears out for other jobs, just in case this place goes sour. He was not optimistic.

One of my credit cards unexpectedly upped my limit by about 60%. They must like me or something... or at least, my money and how I handle it. My credit score has gone up dramatically in the last six months. It was OK before; now it's truly majestic.

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