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History, English and Geography

May 17, 2006 - 11:20 p.m.

My mother would have been 63 today.

Today would also have been my 20th anniversary, had I married Betsy back in 1986.

Enough history for now.

I'm feeling somewhat better, but am so low in energy that it was difficult to get up today. I want to do about ten different things, but the only thing that really appeals to me is sleep.

Kelly got offered the new job much closer to me, down in Virginia. She has two days to decide whether she's going to take it. I suspect she will, just because she's so soured on the place she teaches now. I don't blame her, knowing what I know about what teachers have to put up with. You parents act like your children are the holiest things in the world, but anyone who comes in contact with them, you demand that they be scrutinized like spies, and then you pay them shit and abuse them. You act like you're doing the world a favor by allowing teachers, bus drivers, child care workers, medical personnel and the rest of the public interact with and serve your child.

You are not.

I may go back up to Manhattan this weekend, though I'm not sure at this point that I want to be on the road dealing with Memorial Day traffic. Perhaps I'll take another route to New York, like up 15 to 81 and then to 78. Anything but I-95, even if it is shorter. I owe a drink to a woman up there.

I seem to have a lot of those. Not always the ones I actually like, though.

What to do, what to do?

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