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Bed waves

May 11, 2006 - 3:26 p.m.

I continue to admire Heather's advice about women. She doesn't seem to take mine most of the time, but the stuff she tells me usually makes sense.

Kelly and I talked for a long time again last night. Her interview for a new job went well, but of course, she has no idea what happens next or when. We've made plans to meet up next weekend, though neither of us is entirely sure what may happen. All we plan to do is be together and talk in a neutral location midway between where we both live.

Sleep continues to get worse and worse, so I think it's time to buy a new bed. Maybe it's all those ex-wife-karma-waves in the material or something. In any case, I want something softer and with a fluffier top. Time to go spend money, I guess. Of course, then I'll feel obligated to paint the bedroom, which means taking out all the old wallpaper, which will then mean patching the underlying plaster...

It never ends.


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