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Unexpected events

April 23, 2006 - 9:30 p.m.

Unexpected things happened today. I was mostly a non-slug today, going out and mowing and looking around at the yard... I found some lilac bushes along the road I didn't plant and which don't look like any others around, so I have no idea where they may have come from. I mowed just about everything, then went out on my bike for a little while and did some exercise.

Gus is sick. Gus The Wonder Kitten is drooling and his breath reeks, which in the past, with other cats, has indicated ketosis resulting from kidney problems. He's going to the vet first thing tomorrow, because if I can catch it early enough, it won't harm him and he'll live to be even older and larger. He and his siblings are just turning ten years old this month... I'd like to keep them all around. Madeleine had something like this happen five years ago, smelly drool and everything, and she recovered and is fine now. Gus may just have dental problems that make him unwilling to drink as much water as he usually needs. There's plenty of water available, so that's not that issue.

I don't want to lose any of them this year. Just not this year.

Someone's barn burned to the ground across the valley tonight. I heard a lot of sirens down on the road, and went out to see where they were going. One of the neighbors was out with binoculars, and pointed across the valley and up partway on the other side. There was a huge orange glow through the trees, and sparks blowing into the air dozens of yards. It was way too easy to picture my own barn burning... I had a horrendous dream about that last week. No need to remind me of it.

Gus is being a turkey in the middle of the bedroom floor. He doesn't appear to be drooling just now, which is good. He doesn't appear to be much interested in the dumb movie on Lifetime that happens to be on right now... I was switching channels and got distracted, and then decided to write.

Of course, "dumb movies" and Lifetime are practically synonymous lately.

I have a small mountain of DVDs I should be watching instead... the MacBook is an excellent DVD viewer, even if I had to lecture it sternly to get it to play the first one.

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