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It's really, really quiet...

April 22, 2006 - 10:20 p.m.

It's extremely quiet out there tonight. It's been raining all day off and on, and all I can really hear outside is a very few peepers, and they sound like they're way down the valley. Mist holds the sounds mute out there, and the cold keeps bugs and late-night birds are hiding somewhere.

I had the luxury of spending most of the day indoors, absorbing information and talking at one time to a woman from Match, a rather tentative-sounding 49-year-old from near Silver Spring. Doubtful that we'll meet for some time, as she says her week is rather full, so I'm not going to hold my breath.

I got a note from the people who are repairing my phone... they shipped it out yesterday and I should have it back early next week. While I'm comfortable using my old Sony T610, it doesn't have all my current phone numbers on it and not being able to check email completely drives me nuts. I do get used to things that I use as extensions to my brain. Without them, I feel measurably stupider.

If it stops raining tomorrow, I am taking the bike out somewhere and at least pretending to get active. It's just too easy for me to be a slug all weekend, and it's going to kill me if I'm not careful.

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