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See you around

March 25, 2006 - 6:20 p.m.

It's quite pleasant to be able to stuff checks in envelopes and send them away, and with them, sending debt away. The car is paid off, some other stuff is paid off, I have a chunk'o'money stashed away to cover the expected cost of a new septic system, and I still have a little left over to replace the sick iBook (though I will probably still get that fixed and use it as a spare).

Things are good.

What I'm doing at work on a Saturday, I have no idea. And no dates, presently. Some prospects for next week, but everyone is busy this weekend, so I get to work on other things.

For some reason I cannot find the keys for my little Segway, the p133. It's not a huge worry, since I rarely use it, but replacing the key is a bit expensive. I am pretty sure that not all the keys were on the ring that's normally kept with the p133, there should be a spare set in the box it came in. It's just sort of annoying that I can't find them... I know I had to have had them the night I hit something in the dark and crashed last fall, since I had to restart the unit. They're around the house somewhere, no doubt.

I am sorry to hear that Buck Owens died today. You may think it's strange, but I'm an enormous fan of the "Bakersfield Sound" and it's sad to think it's gone, replaced by the crap that comes out of Nashville these days.

You don't know me, but you don't like me.
You say you care less how I feel.
How many of you that sit and judge me
Ever walked the streets of Bakersfield?

We'll see you around, Buck.

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