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Reminding me

March 15, 2006 - 10:50 p.m.

I feel like I'm all wound up for something big happening soon, but I can't think what it is, and know that there's nothing in particular on the horizon.

A date? Not likely. I'm back in that mode of "I'm talking to several people but there's nothing happening." Worse, most of the women who interest me most are far away and likely to stay there. The closest is a cute woman in Charlottesville... the furthest, a cute woman in Chicago. Not exactly situations I can just whiz down the street and be with them.

I just feel like nobody seems very eager to close the deal, myself included. I just have a hard time getting excited -- truly excited -- about anyone. Remember how excited I was about Melody, or Belinda? Or more recently, Alison?

Yeah. I do. And if I forget, this place reminds me pretty easily.

Today was the Ides Of March. I'm your vehicle, baby...

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