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Put water in the pan

March 11, 2006 - 10:54 p.m.

I was amused to learn that Nancy has apparently both remarried and restarted her personal-chef business. I guess our marriage didn't sour her on the whole concept of being married, and I'll also lay even money that she has babies within three years. The personal-chef thing is amusing, though... this is a woman who, after nine years of being together, never learned to run water in a pan in which you've just cooked food before returning it to the still-hot Ceran cooktop, lest it burn on like powder coating.

And how she can cook dishes which involve cheese -- which she hates with a mortal passion -- is a question I'll ponder... for about four seconds.

I am quite surprised at how I feel absolutely nothing about this event except... amusement.

I bought some seeds and bulbs, and several more blueberry bushes tonight. I think it's a little premature to plant them until the end of the month (I am not fooled by yesterday's 77-degree temperatures) but I felt comfortable buying them. Time to get out of the house.

Speaking of which, I am wondering where to travel this year. I guess it's more an issue of "who am I going to be able to travel with?" No useful candidates.

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