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Your job

February 16, 2006 - 2:19 p.m.

It must be that I have a new reader or two, because all of a sudden my hits have tripled. That's usually a sign of some new person who shows up and then goes back to try to read years and years' worth of writing.

Sometimes people send me emails, saying things like, "you know how a few months ago, you said this...?"

I can honestly say that no, I don't know. I just write this stuff; I don't read it. That's your job.

I was up practically all night putting together a server at home I could test new work stuff in a reliable environment. Strange how I've got to spend my nights and money to put together a test environment I should have at work. Sure, I have test servers at work, but these worthless contractors tend to glom onto them for their oh-so-special shit, and I end up not being able to use MY servers because Lockheed-Martin thinks of them as "theirs."

So, I stay up all night at home doing this stuff, but at least I get total control over exactly what I want.

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