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I am not Edgar Cayce by any means

February 15, 2006 - 10:22 a.m.

I am supposed to meet up with Sarah after work tonight. I'm trying to figure out if this is really a good idea. After all, I've spent years cautioning other people not to revisit the past, but then again, I don't always take my own advice. Put it this way: I take my own advice about as often as anyone else takes it.

I got basically no sleep last night. After posting the last entry, I went to sleep. I actually fell asleep around 3:30, woke up again out of a bad dream around 5, and never really fell asleep again after that. I had lots of time, therefore, to Think About Stuff.


  1. Melody is the past. While there were, and still are, things about her that appealed to me in powerful ways, the ways in which she was absolutely wrong -- the martyrdom, the scorekeeping, the self-absorption -- fatally flawed that relationship from the start and there's no expectation to be had that she would have changed in any way.
  2. I am really not intended to be alone. I haven't found anything so far that I wouldn't give up or change to be with the right person. Yes, that's right... my house, the cats, my location, my job, or practically anything else. However, such a person would have to be really marvelous... a nonexistent combination of the best traits of some of the best women I've ever known. I do not anticipate meeting such a person anytime soon, so I'll keep doing the catboxes and paying the mortgage.
  3. I probably need to stop going out alone. At all. If I don't have a date, I should stay home or think of other things to do. It's way too easy to just casually hang out having a drink and watching sports, and I'd like to say I spent my 40s doing something more memorable.
  4. I need to learn to be more social. Even though the very goal of "being more social" seems silly in and of itself.
  5. I have always been different than other people, and trying to make myself generic as a way to gain "acceptance" is a crock of shit and I need to celebrate the ways in which I'm weird, not bury them.

If I sleep this little as a matter of course, I'll be able to solve many, many problems. Send yours in; I'll see what I can do.

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