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You love me?

February 03, 2006 - 2:20 a.m.

Oh, jeez, they loved me.

I went and read the feedback from my session last week at the conference, and they fucking LOVED ME.

I danced around the dining room and living room picking up cats at random... "Bert, they loved me! Freddddddd... oh, Freddd, they adored me! Mary! Marnie! Philllllll! Phil and Phil byproduct! They all loved my session! Yellllllllloooowwwwww!!"

The cats had no fucking clue.

They really liked my session.

Not the cats... the humans.

The cats like anything I do... I think...

I want to be with Sarah again.

Is this a bad idea? I won't put up a poll... just... tell me, OK? She loved me, too... and she was so nice to be with...

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