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Discord in hair expectations

January 17, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

In a strange burst of thinking, I managed to get a critical piece of my sample code working wondrously, meaning I didn't have to carry out my Plan B for tonight, which was to stay up all night working on the code (and doing laundry) and then just going straight to work. I don't have to do that now, and while that means I miss an opportunity to try to straighten out my weird sleep.

I also will be showing up on someone else's podcast, related to the conference. They interviewed me yesterday morning. Sort of strange to speculate how many NPR or CNN audio interviews are actually done when the interviewee is lounging in bed under a pile of down, with a headset on.

Video would be silly.

I had a long talk with a woman from Springfield this afternoon... got to love a woman who describes her legs as "genetically spectacular." She has a western-Pennsylvania accent that's a little off-putting, but I'm curious about her anyway. Her voice says, "bleached, permed blonde," though she says she has dark, straight hair. Never try to convince me that pictures aren't good things to have before you hear voices.

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