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Quoting Jim Croce

January 06, 2006 - 11:04 a.m.

You know, the stupid thing about trying to continue meeting people here is that I know I should be putting my energy into learning about Alison. She's the one I think I want, but I feel like I have to do other things to keep me busy and distracted. If she was closer, I wouldn't be doing this. Any of it. Meeting the woman in Ohio. Bothering to read my "this week's matches" in my inbox. It's just that she's at a distance, we have a couple of technical problems (the aforementioned cat allery and what seems to be an affinity for reproduction) that could screw things up, and there never seems to be enough time.

What's that thing Jim Croce said about thirty years ago in "Time In A Bottle," "there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them." I'd add that there never seems to be enough time with the people you like, once you find them.

With the people you dislike, time keeps draggin' on.

I got nearly no sleep last night. I was up until at least 1:00am, and then didn't really sleep at all until around 5, and then only for an hour or so. I could fall asleep right now.

This does not bode well if I intend to get in the Volkswagen and drive for five hours after I get out of here tonight. I have a couple of things I should get at WalRusMart before I go, and maybe one of them should be a couple of cans of Red Bull.

I find myself making comparisons between Alison and Melody at the same stage of knowing them both. Melody was much more wary, but her emails were much richer. One majestic, epic, multi-hour phone call made a major difference in the way Melody and I related, and in some ways, I suspect the same might happen if I finally get to talk to Alison. For that sake, I am patient. If it's set to happen, it'll happen no matter when we talk, so there's no sense either delaying or rushing things.

Oh -- the "you could have predicted it" award goes to the woman I talked to last night who sounded a lot like Sarah. She emailed me today and said she just "couldn't get over how far away I lived, and couldn't see dating someone 'so far away,'" so I told her to please go away and don't contact me again, she'll fit into the panorama of DC-area women very nicely.

She's only lived here a few months... I guess she'll have to find out that all the guys who live somewhat closer to her are married, gay or don't speak English.

Where do they ship these women in from, and can we divert the deliveries to somewhere else?

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