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Feeling amazingly huge

December 25, 2005 - 11:56 p.m.

Somehow, I managed to survive being around several small children for the better part of an afternoon and evening.

Suffice to say that I am now feeling truly gigantic, back at my hotel in Batavia, New York, having watched the Chicago Bears win (which is good) and the Baltimore Ravens win (which is better). I consumed a great deal of shrimp, wine and turkey, and my gift to my brother-in-law was well-received by everyone except his 14-year-old son, who was envious. I continue to be astonished by just how damn small the iPods are now, even compared to my comparatively-huge 3rd and 4th-generation iPods.

My stepmother liked the Volkswagen. She drove it around a while on the local roads, though she at one point drove it through some cowshit on Hebbard Road and the scent followed us most of the way home. She never did punch the throttle, which would have been much more satisfying than her usual timid driving, but she's 57 and allowed to be timid if she wants.

It looks like I'll be in Ohio the weekend after New Year's... we'll call her Laurie. I've been IMing and talking with her for some time, and we decided we're meeting up that weekend. Whatever happens... happens.

I learned two new (but old) family sayings tonight. I won't repeat them, but they belong to my father and my late Uncle Charlie.

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