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The one I loved so well

December 20, 2005 - 3:26 a.m.


Tonight I had a long IM with a friend of mine, and though not explicit, the session reminded me of some truly fiery times I've had these last few years since my divorce. Times I'd missed and hadn't even realized it. Fiery... as in, fiery, spectacular sex. Times that now seem almost beyond me. Fuck, I miss that. I miss those times when I felt that blistering, unabashed want.

I talked about the last time I was with Melody, back in March.

It's been more since then...

I don't even mean to make it sound like this was some ancient-times thing, like Richard Leakey will unearth the bones of my sex life in the Olduvai Gorge in ten years. This was recently, those times when pantyhose were an unwelcome distraction compared to good stockings or thigh-highs, the better to get between your legs, my dear... when I was with Sarah at a time when I thought I was collecting my things from her old condo -- she's moved now -- and we ended up with her on top of me on her couch, pounding each other into the springs, her cats concerned as she sweated and cried over me.

Or when Bambi practically ground her lips into me, her bony arms clasping mine and pulling me into her from behind...

This was five months ago.

Yet it seems so long.

Where is my girl?

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