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Miranda returns

December 02, 2005 - 3:39 p.m.

This is an interesting bit of news... just when I'd resigned myself to spending another weekend alone with the cats, Miranda offered to meet me after work. She initially said she assumed I'd be busy, and then said:

Oh good, I'm wearing new shoes and I don't want to go right home either. I just thought maybe you might have another of your myriad first dates planned.

Did I get indignant? Did I get reproachful? Did I demand apologies for the over-cordial way she blew me off a couple of weeks ago?

What the fuck do you think???

I am dressed like a dork, though, so this is my excuse to go pick up a gray blazer that I saw at Hecht's the other day. I am also wearing a Cosby Sweater, so that's gotta go. In case you don't understand where that term comes from, go here.

(no, that's NOT me in that picture... jesus, do I have to tell you everything?)

We'll see. I am enormously forgiving if I sense there's some good to come of it.

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