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October 13, 2005 - 8:47 p.m.

OK, I wanna know who some of you people are. I've been writing this for years... I've opened my head and my heart to you, I've turned you on to new stuff, I've sworn at you, dissed you, gotten you hot and wet sometimes.

Who are you?

Who is my visitor that has Verizon DSL near Boston?

Who keeps visiting from the Woodruff Center?

Somebody in St. Louis dials in through who are you?

You in Essex, Maryland, and you in Catonsville: do you know each other?

Eatontown, New Jersey, and Mount Laurel: do you know each other?

Someone's visiting from around Syracuse or thereabouts on RoadRunner Cable... say hi!

I know the lady out in Colorado Springs, but I'm curious: who's in Oklahoma City?

I have unknown fans at Brown, Seton Hall, and the University of British Columbia.

Canadians from BC, Sherbrooke, Quebec and Kitchener, Ontario... Brits... Kiwis... Aussies.

Would you send me notes and say hi?

And Melody, I don't see you online all that often any more, but when you're there, I know it's you. You could say hi, too. You have nothing to do with my broken heart now. It's still there for you to break again if you want, though...

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