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Long talk the way I like it

September 15, 2005 - 12:03 a.m.

That damn optimism is going to get me in trouble again.

I had a nice, long talk tonight with someone new. That same, effortless feeling came to me again, as if I was once again talking to someone I'd already known a long time. Someone who wasn't probing, someone who wasn't wary, someone... someone who wasn't looking to ferret out some minor flaw in me that they could use to reject me and move on.

I wish I'd had more talks like that over the last few years. The last one I remember was one night a year and a half ago when a pretty little girl and I talked for four and a half hours straight. I remember that one well.

And though I thought the optimism might not have survived that summer, somehow... it has.

We decided to meet after work Friday, and see what happens. If there's a second date, it'll be a while. She has to go to Colombia on Sunday. Some sort of trade talks.

People around here never have normal jobs... except when they really, really do.

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