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September 12, 2005 - 11:35 p.m.

For the first time in a couple of years, all the cats are allowed to be upstairs. I figured that enough time had passed that the miscreants had learned their lessons, and so they all get to be upstairs -- in other words, no longer split into some upstairs with me, some downstairs in the kitchen. I think it makes more sense than basically not being able to use the kitchen because cats are lounging all over it. It'll also be cheaper to heat... I don't have to heat the kitchen this winter.

Of course, I'll probably have to heat MORE upstairs, since there'll be cats lounging on the radiators, absorbing all the heat.

Looks like I've gotten one of my readers back. I've missed her. I could feel the eyes on the screen in a way.

I've been emailing with Belinda a little lately. She's moved to a new place north of Philadelphia, gotten a Powerbook to replace her old Windows desktop machine, and took her state medical board exams. Neither of us holds any hard feelings, and I think we both appreciate each other a bit more now that some time has passed. I can't see going back to being serious with her, but she's a good lady and I had missed talking with her. I may go up and visit sometime in the next couple of weeks and help her unpack and get her wireless printer working.

I admit it: I am an elegance addict. Belinda was nothing if not elegant.

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